A poem of reflection on the weirdly supportive relationship the US has with the state of Israel. Evangelicalism strikes again? July 28 - update a revised version of this poem got published - Dangerous Stories in the American Psyche.
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When I was a child in the 1970s
I lived in Calgary
I heard Jesus died for me at Calvary
I spoke as a child “Are they the same?”
People laughed, showed me a globe
Calvary/Jerusalem on the other side
I felt as a child when God said
Don’t touch my chosen people!
He meant me & Israel
I thought as a child Israel
in Exodus & the Calgary Herald
fought Egypt, yet again
When I became a woman the texts read genocide
I put away childish things and grieve
(quotations from 1 Corinthians 13:11, 1 Chronicles 16:22)